Busy times in the Watson household. Baker just turned 2 and Caleb is now 5 months. You can see from the videos that Caleb is an absolute doll. He smiles and laughs all the time. He is my lover child! Baker is a daily joy. His personality gets bigger day by day. He is VERY full of himself. As daddy bribed him with a cookie.....his monkey impression was a little more high pitched than normal! Never a dull moment! I'm truly loving this season of life with my kids!
Oh how often I forget that I am loved.....desired.....wanted.....faithfully and forever! No waiting, no day to day, no empty promises! The Lord calls us his Beloved. He loves us when we are unlovable; He always takes us back; He is always there! His love never fails! I am thankful for the blessing of music that reminds me of these promises.....and always brings me back to Him!