Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baker's Art Show

Well, Mommy brought the nice camera to the Art Show, but for some reason it decided not to work. So....just iphone pictures! =(

As a former teacher, I have loved Baker's preschool! They do so many things that are fun, but EDUCATIONAL. I really feel like Baker is getting a great experience at his particular school, as well as having WONDERFUL teachers! My pictures don't do justice, but they cover the walls from from floor to ceiling...and even on the ceiling...with huge displays of the children's art. It literally covers the entire hallway/preschool. It is really neat!
Baker's baseball player! Notice this is Baker's new way of smiling...eyes closed! Nice!
Baker's sheep in the Barnyard scene!
Baker's Angel!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! I love to see all the creative art ideas preschool teachers come up with.
    Love the picture of Caleb. Looks like the baseball helmet on the bulletin board is on his head!
