Monday, August 22, 2011


For all intensive purposes, I can pretty much say that God blessed me with twin boys.  Baker and Caleb definitely do not fit the "big brother, little brother" mold.  They play together, are the same size, wear the same clothes, like the same things, have very similar personalities.  I would even go as far as to saying they are about as smart as one other.....Caleb maybe a little advanced, Baker maybe a little, jk.....or maybe they just want to stick to that mold of doing everything together.  I get asked at least once a week if they are twins.  One time, after giving my usual smile/giggle response of, "No, they are actually 18 months a part, they are just the same size," someone actually thought Caleb was the older one.

As a mom of two boys so close, I really think I can imagine what twins would be like.  I feed them at the same time, give them naps at the same time, put them to bed at the same time.  I have to get both kids into a double stroller or cart, hold both sets of hands, strap both down in car seats, have doctor apts scheduled at the same time........and today......we got to experience going to the dentist for the first time.....together!

The joke is that I actually believed I was going to be able to take their picture.  Everything is always double the fun when it involves all three of us.  Two boys not wanting to lay down, two not wanting to open their mouth, two boys crying......thus leading boy laying down, Mommy consoling at his side, other boy running wild around the room/chair.  (This is about the time where I stick a sucker or treat in their mouth....not sure the dentist would have approved of my survival technique!)  Needless to say both boys were a little scared, but we finally made it through successfully (Mommy only slightly scathed).  They even got their own balloon animal to take home!

Can you imagine what actual doctor apts are like.....sheesh! =)

Our Baker

Have I mentioned how much I adore this child?  I think he has one of the most fun personalities I know (yes, that same personality that some day about does me in)!  We made this hat at the Frist last week and it has stayed in the car.  I look back the other day and this is how he is wearing it.....just hanging out, bobbing his head to the music.  Of course when I ask him about it, he cracks up, thinking he is so silly.  That child LOVES to make people laugh.  Sorry future teachers!

Yesterday we were hanging out in our room eating the chocolate chip cookies we had just made.  Baker gets up and leaves the room.  I, assuming he was going to get another one, asked him if he would "bring Mommy another cookie."  He comes back in the room, looks at me with a blank expression, opens his hand to reveal a tiny chocolate chip, and says, "Here you go."  I had no words.....and he falls out laughing, so proud of himself!

This is just a glimpse....of OUR BAKER!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Fun

Thanks to my dear cousin Emily, we got to spend a free day at the Frist with our favorite buddies!!!

Baker, Austin, Georgia, Nate, and Caleb....caught a quick pic for the whole 5 seconds they were sitting down :).

Painting and stamping fun....i think more ink ended up on them than the paper!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Summertime Giggles

Last night the weather felt amazing....almost like fall.  We enjoyed dinner on the patio and fun on our swing set for the first time in weeks!  The laughs in this video make me smile.  I sure do love my boys and how much fun they have with each other!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Joshua Baker Watson

If one were to look up the definition of "strong-willed," "stubborn," even "relentless" in a Websters dictionary, I can with absolute certainty guarantee that this is the face you would see beside each word.  Joshua Baker Watson!!!!

Those of you who follow our blog know Caleb had his tonsils out almost three weeks ago.  But what you do not know is that Baker ALSO had his out.....again!  Or so he has acted.  He has not been sleeping, Mommy can't be out of his sight....even to go to the bathroom....either of us, much less in another room, constant whining, doesn't want anyone but Mommy.  If you even asked him, he would tell you that "his throat hurts too."

Oh me!  This precious, funny, love of my life, has about been the death of me for the past three weeks.  But the things that usually cause me the biggest grief, are also the things that I absolutely love about him.  He is definitely unique!  He has a personality that is going to drive the teachers nuts and have the girls flocking to him. He is witty and he loves to make you laugh.  He loves his Mommy!  He has a strong awareness for detail. The boy is already street smart.....he knows how to work the system!  He doesn't let people get away with anything.  He already loves the outdoors and a canoe!

The wrinkles and gray hairs may have started arriving the moment this bundle of joy did almost 4 years ago, but I am very thankful for him, even in the tough moments!